About Us
About Us

The story of Mia’s Falafel Bar begins in 2020, right in the middle of COVID-19 quarantine, a complicated time during which founder and owner Mia Eylon spent several hours a day in her kitchen.
For months, Mia churned out new recipes for delicious food and her family suggested she begin posting her meal prep plans on social media to help pass the time.
Inspired by her family’s belief in her food, Mia began posting weekly meals on social media. In doing so, she garnered a following of people who loved her food AND her philosophy. For Mia and her family, food is a way of life — a way to combine family, love and fresh ingredients.
“I believe that less is more,” says Mia, “and when you cook with love, the food tastes better.”
The response was immediate and overwhelmingly positive. People eagerly awaited the next meal post to place their orders and bring Mia’s Meals home to their own families.
And just like that, Mia’s pandemic project became a business model.
Mia was determined to make her food as accessible as possible, something that could be enjoyed by people from all walks of life and all types of dietary backgrounds. After months of brainstorming, she was able to curate a simple and special menu that was gluten-friendly, vegan and kosher.
And her efforts more than paid off! Now, Mia’s Falafel Bar is truly an eatery that’s open to everyone and committed to serving the highest quality of fresh food possible.
And with the unconditional support of those around her, Mia was able to launch the first Mia’s Falafel Bar in Haddonfield, New Jersey in June of 2021. More than that, she opened her doors on that very first day to a long line of loyal customers who had been following her since the very beginning.
“I could not be more proud and excited to take on this new journey and live my passion every day,” says Mia, “and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for Mia’s Falafel Bar.”